Planning consent granted at 3- 5 Crowthorne Road, W10
News — 04 Apr 2016

Planning consent was granted on 4th April 2016 by Kensington and Chelsea planning officials for the partial demolition, extension and change of use of the former MOT building at 3 - 5 Crownthorne Road, W10. This new development will create five business units and eight residential units. The development proposes to retain the existing walls of the buildings and replace and extend the roof.
The larger building will be converted to provide employment floorspace at ground floor level with residential homes above, and the smaller building will be converted to provide 2 floors of employment space.
The MOT Centre closed some time ago and since then has remained vacant. Consequently the site was in need of regeneration. A warehouse and industrial aesthetic has been proposed ensuring the building will become an attractive part of the street scene.